Mass Times: Saturdays at 5:00 pm;
Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.
Mon, Tues, Wed* (*Communion service),
and Fri at 8:15 am;
Thurs at 6:00 pm.
St. Rita Roman Catholic Church
1008 Maple Dr., Webster, NY 14580

There are several Catholic and Christian based organizations in the Rochester area that provide shelter, meals, clothing and social services / support to the homeless and those most in need. These include: Saint Joseph’s House of Hospitality, House of Mercy, Dimitri House, Bethany House (Women only), REACH Advocacy and Open Door Mission. These are in addition to services provided by Catholic Charities, Salvation Army and Volunteers of America or those provided directly through Monroe County and City of Rochester.

St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality currently has a limited semi-permanent shelter and is mostly focused on serving daily lunch to those in need. As part of our regular food collection, we continue to deliver items to Saint Joseph's House of Hospitality. They provide lunches, food, clothing, and services for roughly 400 people per week.

General items needed are:
Soups, vegetables, fruits, tuna, meats (canned or boxed),

Peanut butter and jelly,

Pasta and sauces,

Energy bars, snack packages, and fruit cups for lunches,

Coffee, tea, and packaged drinks,

Toiletry items (body wash, shampoo, tooth paste, etc.),

Dish soap, laundry soap,

Paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper

Items can be dropped off in the greeting area of Saint Rita (in or near the shopping cart). For more information or to have items picked up, please contact Tony Barbeau at 585-781-4311.Thank you for your help!